The Buoyant Armiger’s Survey
My Lord Vivec, after completing our survey of daedric shrines in Vvardenfell, we have found they are not as abandoned as we had hoped. Many shrines have been taken over by cultists, and their numbers present a growing threat to the Temple and the people of Vvardenfell. Our numbers are too few to quell this threat in short order, and our greater task of preserving the Ghostgate keeps our majority fully occupied. We recommend using the manpower available in other factions: we need as many Ordinators, and willing members of House Redoran as can be spared; we need to enlist the aid of foreign factions such as the Imperial Legion and the Guild of Fighters; lastly, we must publish these findings and make them available to wandering adventurers who may choose to aid us. Clearing as many shrines as we can of their worshipers is imperative for the continued safety of our land.
We present to you our findings: a complete survey of the daedric shrines listed by region. Our agents have managed to explore the majority of them without engaging their denizens in combat. Since we have limited manpower available to clear these ruins, we have classified each according to the level of threat it poses so you may better decide which should be dealt with quickly, and which can be left to linger a while longer. We have also provided a map of all currently known shrines in Vvardenfell at the end of this tract.
The Ascadian Isles
Ald Sotha: dedicated to Mehrunes Dagon, this large shrine lies on Vivec’s doorstep to the northeast. It is currently occupied by a large group, affiliation unknown, and a number of daedra. Because this shrine is one of the pilgrimage sites of the Four Corners of the House of Troubles, we have classified it as a medium threat. Because we are currently unsure of the intentions of its denizens, we recommend it is put on continuous watch for the time being.
The Ashlands
Assarnatamat: dedicated to Mehrunes Dagon, this shrine is located on the foyada southeast of Caldera. This shrine only has a handful of worshipers, but it is crawling with daedra. As the daedra themselves have little interest in causing trouble far from the shrine, it is currently classified as a low threat, but must be approached with extreme caution.
Assurabitashpi: dedicated to Mehrunes Dagon, this shrine is located on the northern shore of the Ashlands near Urshilaku Camp. It is currently occupied by a small group of Altmer worshipers and daedra. It is classified as a low-medium threat and has been put on our watch list.
Ebernanit: dedicated to Mehrunes Dagon, this shrine is located in the northern Ashlands, southeast of the stronghold Valenvaryon. It is small, housing only a few Dunmer worshipers and daedra. It is currently classified as a minimal threat.
Ramimilk: dedicated to Molag Bal, this shrine is located southeast of Ald’Ruhn and west of the Ghostgate. There is a small contingent of worshipers here, but they are currently classified as a low threat.
Zergonipal: dedicated to Malacath, this shrine is located on the northeastern shore of the Ashlands. A small number of orc worshipers currently occupy this shrine. It is classified as a low threat.
Azura’s Coast
Almurbalarammi: dedicated to Sheogorath, this shrine is located southeast of Molag Mar. A sizable group of worshipers have taken up residence here, but it is currently classified as a medium-low threat, and put on our watch list until we deem further action is required.
Bal Fell: dedicated to Sheogorath, this shrine is located on an island east of Vivec. This large shrine is currently occupied only by daedra, so it is classified as a low threat.
Esutanamus: dedicated to Molag Bal, this shrine is located on the large island south of Tel Mora. There is a small band of hostile worshipers currently occupying the shrine. However, it is classified as a low threat for the time being.
Kaushtarari: dedicated to Malacath, this shrine is located on a tiny island south of Sadrith Mora. There are only a few worshipers to be found here, so we have classified this shrine as a minimal threat.
Shashpilamat: dedicated to Malacath, this shrine is located on the southeastern shore of Azura’s Coast, northwest of the Shrine of Azura. There are only a handful of worshipers occupying this shrine, so it is currently classified as a minimal threat.
Yansirramus: dedicated to Molag Bal, this shrine is located on a sizable island near the coast southwest of Tel Aruhn. There is a growing number of worshipers in this shrine, and a number of daedra roaming outside. It is, however, classified as a medium-low threat, and put on our watch list for the time being.
Zaintiraris: dedicated to Sheogorath, this shrine is located south of Molag Mar. There is a growing number of worshipers here, so it is classified as a medium threat, but has been placed on our watch list until we deem further action is necessary.
The Bitter Coast
Addaddshashanammu: dedicated to Sheogorath, this shrine is located on the western coast on an island northwest of the stronghold Hlomaren. This sizable shrine has quite a few worshipers, but they do not pose an immediate threat. It has been placed in the medium-low threat group and placed on our watch list.
Ashalmimilkala: dedicated to Mehrunes Dagon, this shrine is located on the eastern coast, on an island southwest of the stronghold Hlormaren. There are only a handful of worshipers and daedra here. It is classified as a minimal threat.
Ashurnibibi: dedicated to Malacath, this shrine is located on the western shore of the Bitter Coast, northwest of Hla Oad. It is primarily occupied by orc worshipers. Its current threat level is low.
The Grazelands
Kushtaspi: dedicated to Molag Bal, this shrine is located on the northern coast west of Ahemmusa Camp. There is a small group of worshipers and a few daedra here. However, it is currently classified as a low threat.
Molag Amur
Ashunartes: dedicated to Malacath, this shrine is located west of Lake Nabia near the stronghold Marandus. It is primarily occupied by a small group of orc worshipers and daedra. We have classified this shrine’s threat level as low at this time, but it may increase, so it has been placed on our watch list.
Bal Ur: dedicated to Molag Bal, this shrine is located south of Suran up the Nabia river. There is a growing number of cultists in here. Being one of the pilgrimages for the Four Corners of the House of Troubles, it is imperative we clear it of cultists immediately, so it has been classified as a high threat.
Tusenend: dedicated to Molag Bal, this shrine is located southeast of Erabenimsun Camp and north of Mount Assarnibibi. A small group of worshipers have taken up residence here, but it is classified as a low threat. There are a number of daedra wandering outside however, so it must be approached with caution.
Ald Daedroth: dedicated to several daedra, this large shrine is located on a sizable island due north of Ahemmusa Camp. It is a den of Sheogorath worshipers, who are quickly growing in number. This shrine has been classified as a high threat, and must be cleared immediately.
Assurdirapal: dedicated to Malacath, this shrine is located on the large island west of Sanctus Shrine. It is currently occupied by a small band of orc worshipers, and is classified as a low threat at this time.
Onnissiralis: dedicated to Sheogorath, this shrine is located on a small island to the northwest of Sanctus Shrine. There is a sizable group of worshipers here, so it has been classified as a medium threat. It has been placed on a watch list for the time being, but our recommendation is to clear it out as soon as time and resources allow.
The West Gash
Ashalmawia: dedicated to Molag Bal, this large shrine is located near the northern coast, southeast of Ald Velothi. This shrine houses a large mixed group of worshipers, and their numbers are growing. It has been classified as a high threat, particularly to the people of Ald Velothi, as it rests right on their doorstep. We recommend House Redoran, who currently have an outpost near this shrine, be put in charge of clearing it as quickly as possible.
Dushariran: dedicated to Malacath, this shrine is located on the road east of the stronghold Berandas. It is currently occupied by a small band of orc worshipers. It is classified as a low threat.
Maelkashshi: dedicated to Sheogorath, this shrine is located across the mountains northwest of Mar Gaan. The worshipers here are small in number, so it is classified as a low threat.
Yasammidan: dedicated to Mehrunes Dagon, this shrine is located on the northwestern coast, far west of Ald Velothi and past the ruins of Arkngthunch-Sturdumz. There are only a couple dunmer worshipers here, but it is crawling with daedra. We have classified it as a low threat, but it is to be approached with serious caution.
Red Mountain
There are a few daedric shrines in this area, and our information on them is vague because we dare not investigate at this time. As they are currently safely contained within the Ghostgate, we have merely put these shrines on watch for external movement. Of these shrines, we know of:
Assalkushalit: a shrine to Sheogorath. We have detected no movement outside this shrine.
Ularradallaku: a shrine to Mehrunes Dagon. We have only spotted a few wandering atronachs outside.
We also understand there may be cultists creating small shrines and hiding in the underworks of Vivec. We will leave that investigation to the High Ordinators and trust you have the situation well in hand.